
Poke Teatime: Ghost Cafe

Created by Maegan Cook

1.5" printed metal lapel pins featuring polteageist and other Ghostly friends with cafe treats

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WE DID IT! *Party Time*
7 days ago – Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 10:11:00 AM

Hi friends,

Whew! The Poke Teatime: Ghost Cafe BackerKit campaign has been successfully funded, and we've unlocked four stretch goals!

This achievement is a testament to the incredible support from you guys, the backers, and I couldn't have reached this point without you.

From the moment the BackerKit campaign launched, the enthusiasm and support from this community have been nothing short of overwhelming. Your contributions have not only helped us reach the initial funding goal but also provided the momentum needed to achieve several stretch goals. I am grateful for every pledge, share, and word of encouragement.

While we didn't unlock Strawberry Frappe, I did want to close out this part of the menu so there will be a second chance to unlock this adorable Gastly pin as a pre-order add-on. Look for the Pre-order shop to open soon!

Thank everyone again for such a great campaign. I hope you have the chance to grab your favorite ghostly friend from the unlocked designs.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Stretch Goal Progress
19 days ago – Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 05:28:12 AM

Hi friends,

Here's some exciting news!

Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve unlocked not one but TWO stretch goals in this pin crowdfunding campaign! 🎉 Your enthusiasm and backing have made this possible, and I'm thrilled to celebrate these achievements with you.

Here’s what we’ve unlocked so far:
  1. Caramel Latte/Banette (gold pin)
  2. Banana Pancakes/Gengar (gold pin)

But that’s not all! We’re now just $74 away from unlocking our next pin design at $1250.

Every bit of pledging and campaign shoutout/share brings us closer to our next stretch goal, and I'm so grateful for your continued enthusiasm. Let’s keep the momentum going and complete this cute ghostly collection!

Thank you once again for your support. 💜


🎉 OMG! We joined the 48 Hour Club!!! 🎉
23 days ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 07:06:23 AM

 Hey there, wonderful backers and supporters,

Holy guacamole, folks! We hit project funding in the first 48 hours!

This is my first crowdfunding project to fund so fast, and it wouldn't be possible without your incredible support. Thank you so much!!!

But wait, the excitement doesn’t stop here! With the initial goal achieved, it's time to unlock some fantastic stretch goals in the Cafe Menu!

Here’s where I need your help:

Continue Backing: If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to join this journey. If you pledge now, there are still exclusive Early Bird rewards left. Every additional pledge brings us closer to more fantastic pin designs and unlocks the full Ghost Cafe menu.

Share the Love: Spread the word about this campaign far and wide! Share the BackerKit page with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people know about this pin project, the faster we'll see our stretch goals and exclusive pins unlock!

Stay Engaged: Keep an eye for updates and announcements. I'll share more details about the stretch goals and the pin designs as they unlock.  I've been working hard on these adorable ghosties, and I'm eager to share them with you.

With your continued support, we can make this project even more spectacular. Let’s keep the momentum going and make these stretch goals a reality!

Our first stretch goal to unlock at $1000 is Caramel Latte/Banette:

Then, Banana Pancakes/Gengar is next!

Thank you again for believing in this pin set and helping me realize my vision. I couldn’t do this without you!

Onward and upward,

Awesome First Day!
25 days ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 04:37:27 PM

Wow, 73% funded in 24 hours—what a fantastic launch! I want to thank every early backer from the bottom of my heart.

I'm excited to keep the momentum going as the campaign progresses and bring you even more updates and sneak peeks. Stay tuned, and please share this project with friends, family, and social media to help the Ghost Cafe pins reach and exceed the funding goal.

Once again, thank you for supporting this pin project. Let's collect all the cute ghosties together!


 P.S. If you haven't backed this campaign yet, there's still time to grab a bonus Sinistea pin for pledging early! The Early Bird incentive expires tomorrow.